Sunday, October 16, 2011

Biweekley coulmn

    I agree with Job's advice about " If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? " I think about that question everyday. If today were my last day I wouldn't want to be doing what I'm doing now I know that for sure . I would be doing this I've always wanted to do and get accomplished before I die or whatever happens to make it my last day on Earth. I don't think if today was anybody's last day on Earth , they'd be doing something different then there daily schedule . 
   A lot of people don't really think of that question they just do what they want and think of the other way to it. That's why you always live everyday like its your last because tomorrow is NEVER promised. Do what you can before you die. In Job's case he made a good business and made good money and his business will probably continue to keep going. He did what he wanted to before he passed away. 
  That's why everyone should just put the bullshit aside and just be happy fuck the drama and worthless shit . People don't understand that life is precious and they should just live everyday up and do what they wanna before its to late. I know most the people who aren't here anymore wish they did what they could before it was time to go. 
  I try to do what I can do and do what I want everyday just in case it could be my last day on Earth. I take life as it comes and take things slow even though life is way to short. Make everything on a positive side and just let everything go and worry about you yourself and YOU ! Do things you want and not what people tell you.
  For Job's to say that makes people to actually think about it. I can say that i thought about this a few times , but I never sat there and think about what would I do ? what would i wanna wear ? etc.
   We never know when it will be our last day, but I know before it is I would go back to Hawaii and see my family again and let em know that i love em and always will and bring all my close friends that are like family along. I would also try and help people out like the homeless  , to try and give them a better life since I've always wanted to be a hero. Make sure my niece and nephews have majority of things they want just to give them something to remind me of and to make up the absents from moving to California and missing the big parts of there lives. I would wanna travel and experience different things then the USA. There is so much to do before your day comes and you never know when that may be so just keep a bright head on your shoulders and don't hesitate to do anything you want.  

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