Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[FREE] : Why smoke?

  Why do most teenagers nowadays smoke marijuana ? Do they not know that smoking leads to death? Majority of the people I know these days smoke marijuana and drink.I only smoked a few times, but I seen my grandpa die from that so I stopped. Most the athletes don't smoke or do drugs because it makes them slower and messes their body up. The teenagers don't understand that they are gunna mess up their futures, their gunna get the after effects when their older. I've seen so many people mess their lives up from doing drugs, but whatever makes YOU happy right? The people who I seen doing durgs from my personal life, they changed their lives for the better and actually doing something successful. Get ahead of yourself before it's to late. People who smoke marijuana has to feed their habit by smoking all the time, everyday all day.
   Doctors say that you can loose brian cells from smoking, but I know REGUARDLESS everyone who smokes will not stop. All these rappers talk about smoking and selling drugs, do they not know teenagers look up to them? smh . But again teenagers know right from wrong and are responsible for their actions. I think they should make weed llegal arlready because almost all the kids and teenagers smoke anyways, but then again I don't think they should. Durgs DON'T get you anywhere in live besides the wrong road in life. Almost all the people I know who smoke marijuana have bad grades and skip school , that is not a good look when colleges look on your past from highschool and middle school .

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