Sunday, October 9, 2011

[RP]; To Talylor Clark

After about month and half being together I lost my virginity to him

 I have a lot to say to this.  You may not like what I have to say about this but I'm only saying this because I care for you, your like a sister to me . You shouldn't put your only personal business out there like that. You don't understand what that makes you look like and I'm already knowing your gunna say " I don't care I love him " love has a limit to it Taylor . It makes you look like your cheap and easy, in other peoples eyes fast that you would let any nigga hit those . I know some people now look at you like " damn , she has no respect for herself and her value's God gave her." You guy are trying to have that " FOREVER " love typa thing, but remember if he loved you as much as he says he does he would have waited and won't think about sex in the first MONTH to me it seems like all he wanted to do is have sex , but I know that lust eventually turns into love, and you guys try to act like you guys are grown and do what grown ups do but you guys are STILL in high school and ONLY still sophomores  I'm only saying this from my own personal experiences . Your still hellah young and have a whole life time for all of that stuff get your future together now before it's to late.
 Love makes you do the craziest things and makes you do things you never thought you wouldn't do in your life , but that's when love leads to different things sometimes. You have to realize that sex isn't the only way to keep a dude around if he REALLY loves you. And love is blind , so just be aware of that and DON'T let a dude tell you different from what I said because I've been there before .


  1. Thanks for keeping an eye out for your friend, Tehani. Your advice is hella sensible here in my opinion.

  2. Your Welcome Mr. Sutherland . And im not in class today because im getting surgery . I wont be in for the rest of the week , so if we have any hw can you email it to me please ? Thank you !
