Saturday, September 24, 2011

(CE): Shark attack.

Sharks tries to do anything for food.

Tom Bartlett's one-man canoe was severely damaged after a shark bit his vessel twice about a half mile offshore.
   Everyone knows sharks are all around the waters of Hawai'i and yet they still go a mile(s) off shore. This man is very luck to be alive and had nothing wrong with him, just his boat. Since that girl who got her arm bit off surfing in Kauai; residence of Hawai'i should know to be careful in the waters and to know their limits in the waters. Sharks will do anything they can to get food. People should be more careful in open waters or waters period.
  I hope the next time he goes out he's more careful. Being on a small OC1 and knowing a shark is ready to attack must be the most tragic and fearful thing to go through. Since shark attacks are common in Hawai'i I think that they should put ropes up for boundaries and safety of the people.  For the paddlers and surfers they should have people following them around to make sure nothing happens.
  I hope people learn from other peoples stories about the waters. The waters are never safe. I'm a person who loves the water, but since I moved to California and hearing all these attacks in Hawai'i makes me don't wanna get in bays, oceans, etc. It can be crazy about how you don't know whats under you when your on a boat and once you get that bump your muscles gets tense, but the best thing to do is not panic. Bartlett is good for not panicking because he would made the shark want him more and try harder to get him.

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