Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Re: Respond to Tionna Taylors post

 While I was reading Tionna Taylor blog and I have to say my two sents:

My favorite rapper is "Tyga" and "Nicki Minaj". They are hiphop and RnB artists and are also known as "Young Money". I wish that i could rap and write just like them because they are very good. My favorite singers is "Ciara" and "Chris Brown", they both can dance and sing very good!, and i wish i could dance like them. 
 Well Tionna you just have too put your mind to it and don't let anybody get in your way of it. Anybody can do anything they want if you try hard enough and practice. Practice makes perfect. I remember when I was little I always wanted to be like Michael Philips, and by getting faster all I had to do was practice, practice and more of practice. Your not gunna get it right away, that never happens unless your gifted, but never give up on whaty you want to do because you can always do it.
  Don't let anybody get to you and get in your way. Your a beautiful and smart girl, live it up girl! You have to be positive and you'll get far and  be successful  in life. Don't let yourself be around people who talk negative because it gets you nowhere besides the wrong path.  Also, always have God on your side and never turn him down and have faith in yourself and  hope.
   Never give up on what you want to do. You have a WHOLE life time to reach your goals. You really have to focus on your future now because before you know it your gunna be going off to college. Just keep living big and one day you just might be there, or at least out there on the big screens. Do what you need to do to reach your goals and life will go good for you. LEAVE THE BOYS ALONE! haha. Don't let your weaknesses bring you down!

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