Saturday, September 24, 2011

[RE]: response to Violette Pulley

Its funny how most of the conversations i have with my friends are about boys. Boys, why you gotta be so confusing. I know you think girls do too much, but we only think so much because we don't know what to think. We don't know how you really feel. It would be nice to let us know. kay. I also think going to the same school as the boy you like or have a crush on is hella hard. Seeing them talk to other girls, or hugging other girls that aren't just a friend, is bad. It ruins your whole day. Then the ignoring thing, i think its hella dumb. Its nice to say hi right, and a hug or something. Getting ignored is horrible. Maybe you guys are shy or something but really its not that hard to just say hey. And if there having a bad day, don't take it out on us. That's not cool. I know i think too much. Then get mad because I'm like he's not think about me why should i be thinking about you. I think i lot of girls would agree. Doesn't everybody wish it was easier, but its life. All I'm saying is, Boys just at least try to think where a girl is coming from. Were not all the same.

    I feel you on this girl. I don't understand why guys think it's okay to just ignore a girl when you know she really likes you and goes to the same school at that. They just don't understand that it hurts to get ignored when you really like someone or see them talk to someone other girls because if we, girls, were to do that they would dip on us in a quick second, but for us girls it's hard to do that because we don't hide our feelings or put our feelings to the side.  An I'm in the same boat about you always thinking. There never goes a day by that I just don't think about guys and relationships. Maybe we let get to us, I don't know. In my opinion, guys don't think about females like females think of guys because guys just don't care and they have more then one female. You have to do the same thing as the dudes even though your dying inside, but it for the best then to sit there and just be sad over the situation. Guys " don't " have time to listen to what us girls have to say.
     Be the stronger person in this and just act like it doesn't faze you. One day he'll realize he lost someone good and is gunna wanna come back, but you'll be on bigger and better things. Guys aren't gunna help you get through school and stuff so just focus on school and let this boys do what there best at, and that's being DICKS. The right one will come at the right time *


  1. I totally get what you both are tryna say 'cause I definitely tend to over-think a lot of things, especially when it comes to boys. It gets so frustrating and annoying. But I really agree with your first sentence in that last paragraph. I mean, you can go ahead and be thinking hella much about him and stuff, but if he don't know that, he'll think you really just don't care. And regardless of him doing something about it, you know that you weren't really like, going out of your way, yakno? Whatevs, fuck relationships. This is a good post though, keep it up!

  2. yes , guys will never understand from a girls point of view . and i honestly think they act like that because most of them weren't raised from there father and to get that bond and that talk about females their suppose to from their fathers. thats just me , but i may be wrong . and Thanks Kathy !
