Tuesday, September 20, 2011

FREE: Life has its own rules .

  Life has its own rules to it. You just have to make sure you go down the right path and get into something good if you want to get far in life. Alot of people go down the wrong roads because of whats going on in there life, but you guys just have to remember drugs , fighting, etc. doesn't make nothing better it just makes your body get worse. God puts us through things that he knows we can get through, but he puts us through it to see if we can make it so never give up on anything because you never know what you have ahead of you it may be good or bad but you'll never know until you meet your future.
  I've seen people just give up on schoollike it isn't nothing and like they have better things to do, but honestly school is the key to success. They just go down the wrong road and majority of the dropouts ends up not going back to school to get their GED and getting there money by selling drugs or just selling themselvs. I hate seeing people doing that because that isn't a way to get through life. A lot of people get killed over drugs or paralyzed. I kow this from my personal life with my father. To all you peple who sells for a living, just know its not to late to get out of that indrestry and get back on track and make something out of your life. Never give up on your dreams because its never to late to reach them and achive them.


  1. I read your response to tionna and this post and this is some deep stuff. I agree that fighting and drugs is a whole lot of bs. I hope you stick with this strong belief and hope to read more
