Monday, September 12, 2011

FREE: Friends come and go but this one is a KEEPER and more like a BROTHER :)

  Freshman year is when it all began. We never really talked when the year began but once we really got to know each other during the summer of 2011. There's not that much people I trust these days, but Vincent Ly is one of the few I trust with anything I tell him.
   We can relate to a lot of things in different ways. For example, we both get irritated when were home from our family members and we say what we feel. When we're together its DOUBLE trouble! It seems like when one of us are irritated or mad the other one is too. We also can relate to a lot of family problems we have, but we help each other get through them.
  We've done a lot of things together that were crazy but only made us closer. We used to always go to the gym at the end of summer to try to get back in shape, but you know how that goes! Our trips to Oakland and going to the clouds is what tops it off so far.
  Vincent and I are like paper and glue. We call each other when we need any help with anything. Our friendship is something that nobody can break. This is the only beginning of what God as planned for the rest of our friendship. I think of Vincent as a brother because he's there for me when I need him just like my blood brothers are. I'll always have Vincents back no matter what it is, and I know he'll be there for me.

    " I Love You BEST friend/brother "
" best friends understand when you say forget it. Wait forever when you say a minute. Stay when you say leave me alone and open the door before you can say come in "

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