Wednesday, September 7, 2011

CE: Crazy People lead to Death

Why are there crazy drivers still driving?

"I just miss my son. I love him so much," said Warren Borengasser, Micah's father.

Some people these days just don't care and that's ashamed. Even if you have a altercation with someone doesn't give no human being the right to run over another human and killing them, it's nonsense. Micah, the victim, was only trying to protect a girlfriend of his. I, since I'm Hawaiian and was a residence of Hawai'i, understands where Micah was coming from. In Hawai'i we protect our friends in a very special way and any way we can, friends are like family in Hawaiian ways.

For someone to kill someone over something dumb means your dumb. I honestly don't think killing Micah wasn't needed, especially that he was only 19 years old. Micah was only trying to defend his friend but it went seriously wrong. The suspect needs to serve many years for this. Micah had dreams he wanted to accomplish but now he can't do that since he's gone forever.

I can relate to this story. I lost my cousin when she was only 19 due to drugs basically and dumb people. Her and Micah both had a whole life ahead of them to live and to learn.

For this person to take away a brother, a son and cousin just isn't right. The police departments need to get people that are like this off the streets to try and make this world a more peaceful and safe place. I personally think that Micahs family is doing the right thing and they just need to keep there heads up through this because I still take the lost of my cousin hard. 

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