Sunday, October 16, 2011

Biweekley coulmn

    I agree with Job's advice about " If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? " I think about that question everyday. If today were my last day I wouldn't want to be doing what I'm doing now I know that for sure . I would be doing this I've always wanted to do and get accomplished before I die or whatever happens to make it my last day on Earth. I don't think if today was anybody's last day on Earth , they'd be doing something different then there daily schedule . 
   A lot of people don't really think of that question they just do what they want and think of the other way to it. That's why you always live everyday like its your last because tomorrow is NEVER promised. Do what you can before you die. In Job's case he made a good business and made good money and his business will probably continue to keep going. He did what he wanted to before he passed away. 
  That's why everyone should just put the bullshit aside and just be happy fuck the drama and worthless shit . People don't understand that life is precious and they should just live everyday up and do what they wanna before its to late. I know most the people who aren't here anymore wish they did what they could before it was time to go. 
  I try to do what I can do and do what I want everyday just in case it could be my last day on Earth. I take life as it comes and take things slow even though life is way to short. Make everything on a positive side and just let everything go and worry about you yourself and YOU ! Do things you want and not what people tell you.
  For Job's to say that makes people to actually think about it. I can say that i thought about this a few times , but I never sat there and think about what would I do ? what would i wanna wear ? etc.
   We never know when it will be our last day, but I know before it is I would go back to Hawaii and see my family again and let em know that i love em and always will and bring all my close friends that are like family along. I would also try and help people out like the homeless  , to try and give them a better life since I've always wanted to be a hero. Make sure my niece and nephews have majority of things they want just to give them something to remind me of and to make up the absents from moving to California and missing the big parts of there lives. I would wanna travel and experience different things then the USA. There is so much to do before your day comes and you never know when that may be so just keep a bright head on your shoulders and don't hesitate to do anything you want.  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

[RP]; To Talylor Clark

After about month and half being together I lost my virginity to him

 I have a lot to say to this.  You may not like what I have to say about this but I'm only saying this because I care for you, your like a sister to me . You shouldn't put your only personal business out there like that. You don't understand what that makes you look like and I'm already knowing your gunna say " I don't care I love him " love has a limit to it Taylor . It makes you look like your cheap and easy, in other peoples eyes fast that you would let any nigga hit those . I know some people now look at you like " damn , she has no respect for herself and her value's God gave her." You guy are trying to have that " FOREVER " love typa thing, but remember if he loved you as much as he says he does he would have waited and won't think about sex in the first MONTH to me it seems like all he wanted to do is have sex , but I know that lust eventually turns into love, and you guys try to act like you guys are grown and do what grown ups do but you guys are STILL in high school and ONLY still sophomores  I'm only saying this from my own personal experiences . Your still hellah young and have a whole life time for all of that stuff get your future together now before it's to late.
 Love makes you do the craziest things and makes you do things you never thought you wouldn't do in your life , but that's when love leads to different things sometimes. You have to realize that sex isn't the only way to keep a dude around if he REALLY loves you. And love is blind , so just be aware of that and DON'T let a dude tell you different from what I said because I've been there before .

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

[CR]: Will Kicking the homeless out help ?

  Honolulu Police Department kicks out the homeless from there secret location. I don't think kicking the homeless out of where they are not visible will help the city look better; it will make it more dirty. At least they were somewhere where no one can see them and aren't sleeping on the sideways. If homeless is not messing with the community or the people there should be no reason for them to get kicked out unless there being moved to a shelter. Homeless people should be able to live where they want as long as they aren't all in the streets and are living somewhere where no one really cares that they are there. Also, I don't think its fair that they where told to go there by the police officers and getting kicked out by them.
 Kicking them out really isn't gunna make nothing better because they aren't gunna have no place to stay besides the streets, at least where they were they weren't really visible. If their gunna kick the homeless out from where they were then I think they should open up more homeless shelters. They also shouldn't kick them about because some homeless people are mentally unstaible and isn't trustworthy to be moved out to somewhere where no one knows where their at. At least were they were the police knew where they were at. They had a place where they cooked slept and everything, why kick them out they are doing no harm just tryna make it through life and they already have it hard being homeless.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[FREE] : Why smoke?

  Why do most teenagers nowadays smoke marijuana ? Do they not know that smoking leads to death? Majority of the people I know these days smoke marijuana and drink.I only smoked a few times, but I seen my grandpa die from that so I stopped. Most the athletes don't smoke or do drugs because it makes them slower and messes their body up. The teenagers don't understand that they are gunna mess up their futures, their gunna get the after effects when their older. I've seen so many people mess their lives up from doing drugs, but whatever makes YOU happy right? The people who I seen doing durgs from my personal life, they changed their lives for the better and actually doing something successful. Get ahead of yourself before it's to late. People who smoke marijuana has to feed their habit by smoking all the time, everyday all day.
   Doctors say that you can loose brian cells from smoking, but I know REGUARDLESS everyone who smokes will not stop. All these rappers talk about smoking and selling drugs, do they not know teenagers look up to them? smh . But again teenagers know right from wrong and are responsible for their actions. I think they should make weed llegal arlready because almost all the kids and teenagers smoke anyways, but then again I don't think they should. Durgs DON'T get you anywhere in live besides the wrong road in life. Almost all the people I know who smoke marijuana have bad grades and skip school , that is not a good look when colleges look on your past from highschool and middle school .

Saturday, September 24, 2011

(CE): Shark attack.

Sharks tries to do anything for food.

Tom Bartlett's one-man canoe was severely damaged after a shark bit his vessel twice about a half mile offshore.
   Everyone knows sharks are all around the waters of Hawai'i and yet they still go a mile(s) off shore. This man is very luck to be alive and had nothing wrong with him, just his boat. Since that girl who got her arm bit off surfing in Kauai; residence of Hawai'i should know to be careful in the waters and to know their limits in the waters. Sharks will do anything they can to get food. People should be more careful in open waters or waters period.
  I hope the next time he goes out he's more careful. Being on a small OC1 and knowing a shark is ready to attack must be the most tragic and fearful thing to go through. Since shark attacks are common in Hawai'i I think that they should put ropes up for boundaries and safety of the people.  For the paddlers and surfers they should have people following them around to make sure nothing happens.
  I hope people learn from other peoples stories about the waters. The waters are never safe. I'm a person who loves the water, but since I moved to California and hearing all these attacks in Hawai'i makes me don't wanna get in bays, oceans, etc. It can be crazy about how you don't know whats under you when your on a boat and once you get that bump your muscles gets tense, but the best thing to do is not panic. Bartlett is good for not panicking because he would made the shark want him more and try harder to get him.

[RE]: response to Violette Pulley

Its funny how most of the conversations i have with my friends are about boys. Boys, why you gotta be so confusing. I know you think girls do too much, but we only think so much because we don't know what to think. We don't know how you really feel. It would be nice to let us know. kay. I also think going to the same school as the boy you like or have a crush on is hella hard. Seeing them talk to other girls, or hugging other girls that aren't just a friend, is bad. It ruins your whole day. Then the ignoring thing, i think its hella dumb. Its nice to say hi right, and a hug or something. Getting ignored is horrible. Maybe you guys are shy or something but really its not that hard to just say hey. And if there having a bad day, don't take it out on us. That's not cool. I know i think too much. Then get mad because I'm like he's not think about me why should i be thinking about you. I think i lot of girls would agree. Doesn't everybody wish it was easier, but its life. All I'm saying is, Boys just at least try to think where a girl is coming from. Were not all the same.

    I feel you on this girl. I don't understand why guys think it's okay to just ignore a girl when you know she really likes you and goes to the same school at that. They just don't understand that it hurts to get ignored when you really like someone or see them talk to someone other girls because if we, girls, were to do that they would dip on us in a quick second, but for us girls it's hard to do that because we don't hide our feelings or put our feelings to the side.  An I'm in the same boat about you always thinking. There never goes a day by that I just don't think about guys and relationships. Maybe we let get to us, I don't know. In my opinion, guys don't think about females like females think of guys because guys just don't care and they have more then one female. You have to do the same thing as the dudes even though your dying inside, but it for the best then to sit there and just be sad over the situation. Guys " don't " have time to listen to what us girls have to say.
     Be the stronger person in this and just act like it doesn't faze you. One day he'll realize he lost someone good and is gunna wanna come back, but you'll be on bigger and better things. Guys aren't gunna help you get through school and stuff so just focus on school and let this boys do what there best at, and that's being DICKS. The right one will come at the right time *

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In a dark room .

"It's gunna be a fun night tonight, you ready for it?" I said when I was putting my earring on, "Girl of course." Sara said while fixing her hair. Then all of a sudden we heard a big "BOOOOOM !" and all the lights went out in the whole house. I dropped the backing of my earring from shaking like there was a earthquake happening. There was this weird tense feeling going through my body. "What just happened?" I asked Sara with a frightened voice like someone scared the heck out of me. Then all of a sudden the door behind them slap shut like someone pushed it with all the strength. I started to cry, "Whats happening Sara?" I said sobbing with tears coming down my face. "I have no idea." Sara said with a scared voice. They wait a minute, sloshed on the floor hovering over each other and holding each other, too see if they hear anything else.
  Ten minutes went by and they heard nothing else. "I dropped the backing of my earring. Can you help me find it?" I said trying to be calm. "Yeah, come on" Sara said whispering. They both went to the floor slowly and Sara bumped her head hard on a corner of the counter. " Sara are you okay!?" I asked nervous and frightened, tapping on her shoulder. "Come on Sara you have to get up. PLEASE!" Then in the closet I heard a soft voice say " Whats going on?" I jumped and hit my head on the counter. A throbbing pain started going through my head and I was seeing stuff moving very fast and I started getting dizzy. "Liz, are you okay" the same voice came from closet but in a more worried voice. "Bump, bump, bump" I heard these thumps getting closer and closer. Then i felt a tap on my shoulder so I opened my eyes, "Sara is that you?" I asked. "Yes" she responded. " I thought you hit your head on the table and was laying on the floor?" I asked. "No , that wasn't me" I was crawling everywhere feeling extreme pain that went up my legs looking for your backing" Sara said. "Then whats on the floor?" I said circuitously. We started feeling on the floor and we started feeling the thing that was on the floor. It feels rough like dry skin or something. "What is it?" Sara asked " I have no idea" I said back in a nervous voice while crawling away from it.
 We were so scared that we forgot all about where we were suppose to go that night. But we were traumatized, like all the hairs on the back of our necks were standing up and having a tense and scared feeling in our stomach and throughout our bodies. It was a feeling I only felt when I was scared when I get caught doing something I'm not suppose to be doing.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

FREE: Life has its own rules .

  Life has its own rules to it. You just have to make sure you go down the right path and get into something good if you want to get far in life. Alot of people go down the wrong roads because of whats going on in there life, but you guys just have to remember drugs , fighting, etc. doesn't make nothing better it just makes your body get worse. God puts us through things that he knows we can get through, but he puts us through it to see if we can make it so never give up on anything because you never know what you have ahead of you it may be good or bad but you'll never know until you meet your future.
  I've seen people just give up on schoollike it isn't nothing and like they have better things to do, but honestly school is the key to success. They just go down the wrong road and majority of the dropouts ends up not going back to school to get their GED and getting there money by selling drugs or just selling themselvs. I hate seeing people doing that because that isn't a way to get through life. A lot of people get killed over drugs or paralyzed. I kow this from my personal life with my father. To all you peple who sells for a living, just know its not to late to get out of that indrestry and get back on track and make something out of your life. Never give up on your dreams because its never to late to reach them and achive them.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Re: Respond to Tionna Taylors post

 While I was reading Tionna Taylor blog and I have to say my two sents:

My favorite rapper is "Tyga" and "Nicki Minaj". They are hiphop and RnB artists and are also known as "Young Money". I wish that i could rap and write just like them because they are very good. My favorite singers is "Ciara" and "Chris Brown", they both can dance and sing very good!, and i wish i could dance like them. 
 Well Tionna you just have too put your mind to it and don't let anybody get in your way of it. Anybody can do anything they want if you try hard enough and practice. Practice makes perfect. I remember when I was little I always wanted to be like Michael Philips, and by getting faster all I had to do was practice, practice and more of practice. Your not gunna get it right away, that never happens unless your gifted, but never give up on whaty you want to do because you can always do it.
  Don't let anybody get to you and get in your way. Your a beautiful and smart girl, live it up girl! You have to be positive and you'll get far and  be successful  in life. Don't let yourself be around people who talk negative because it gets you nowhere besides the wrong path.  Also, always have God on your side and never turn him down and have faith in yourself and  hope.
   Never give up on what you want to do. You have a WHOLE life time to reach your goals. You really have to focus on your future now because before you know it your gunna be going off to college. Just keep living big and one day you just might be there, or at least out there on the big screens. Do what you need to do to reach your goals and life will go good for you. LEAVE THE BOYS ALONE! haha. Don't let your weaknesses bring you down!

Monday, September 12, 2011

FREE: Friends come and go but this one is a KEEPER and more like a BROTHER :)

  Freshman year is when it all began. We never really talked when the year began but once we really got to know each other during the summer of 2011. There's not that much people I trust these days, but Vincent Ly is one of the few I trust with anything I tell him.
   We can relate to a lot of things in different ways. For example, we both get irritated when were home from our family members and we say what we feel. When we're together its DOUBLE trouble! It seems like when one of us are irritated or mad the other one is too. We also can relate to a lot of family problems we have, but we help each other get through them.
  We've done a lot of things together that were crazy but only made us closer. We used to always go to the gym at the end of summer to try to get back in shape, but you know how that goes! Our trips to Oakland and going to the clouds is what tops it off so far.
  Vincent and I are like paper and glue. We call each other when we need any help with anything. Our friendship is something that nobody can break. This is the only beginning of what God as planned for the rest of our friendship. I think of Vincent as a brother because he's there for me when I need him just like my blood brothers are. I'll always have Vincents back no matter what it is, and I know he'll be there for me.

    " I Love You BEST friend/brother "
" best friends understand when you say forget it. Wait forever when you say a minute. Stay when you say leave me alone and open the door before you can say come in "

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Relationship With Boys

   Why do majority of the boys now days play with females feelings? They think it's okay to just lead a female on to thinking he really loves her, but ends up just using her for her goods or her money. Majority of the guys these days tells you what you want to hear just to get in those panties. The way guys act are the reason why mostly all the females are giving up on guys and on relationships.
   I don't understand why guys think females are a toy. Once they get what they want there done talking to the female in all ways and then talk about what they've did together and make her reputation bad. In my point of view, if you don't like the girl why talk to her and make her think you like her and your going to treat her right when you know all you want is her money and whats in her pants. Girls should know what a guy wants, but yet they still make a relationship with him, fall in love give it up and then he's not coming around anymore. I know if a guy was doing the boys mom like that he wouldn't like it and wouldn't want his mom with him anymore, but then why do it to these other females?
  I dislike how guys just can tell another female he tries to get at that he doesn't have a girlfriend knowing he does and just uses the both of them. If a girl does that to a boy we get called a hoe, but if a guy does it he's cool and gets respect. Why isn't a guy called a hoe?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

CE: Crazy People lead to Death

Why are there crazy drivers still driving?

"I just miss my son. I love him so much," said Warren Borengasser, Micah's father.

Some people these days just don't care and that's ashamed. Even if you have a altercation with someone doesn't give no human being the right to run over another human and killing them, it's nonsense. Micah, the victim, was only trying to protect a girlfriend of his. I, since I'm Hawaiian and was a residence of Hawai'i, understands where Micah was coming from. In Hawai'i we protect our friends in a very special way and any way we can, friends are like family in Hawaiian ways.

For someone to kill someone over something dumb means your dumb. I honestly don't think killing Micah wasn't needed, especially that he was only 19 years old. Micah was only trying to defend his friend but it went seriously wrong. The suspect needs to serve many years for this. Micah had dreams he wanted to accomplish but now he can't do that since he's gone forever.

I can relate to this story. I lost my cousin when she was only 19 due to drugs basically and dumb people. Her and Micah both had a whole life ahead of them to live and to learn.

For this person to take away a brother, a son and cousin just isn't right. The police departments need to get people that are like this off the streets to try and make this world a more peaceful and safe place. I personally think that Micahs family is doing the right thing and they just need to keep there heads up through this because I still take the lost of my cousin hard. 

CE: Friend in Jail

A former friend of missing nursing student Michelle Le is now in jail in Hayward on a murder charge.
  It's crazy how someone can kill their own friend! I think it was out of jealousy, but that's just my personal opinion. That young college student has been missing for so long. Her friend even faked it in front of the police, so she had absolutely no remorse for doing it which is a shame!  I remember when this first happened and her friend denied everything! She is seriously cold hearted. I could never kill my best friend, I love her with all my heart, isn't that how best friends are suppose to be instead of killing him/her?

  If you kill your friend your not a true friend. Le and her family got a restraining order on Esteban a few days before Le went missing. My honest opinion is that I think Esteban has a part in the homicide because she was mad about what was going between her and Le. When the case was made Le's family was already thinking it was Esteban due to the restraining order they had against her.

I can just image what Le and her family is going through. My family and I went through something similar to this a few years back with a family member. Le's family is still taking this very hard.

When Le and her family put a restraining order on Esteban I think the police should have been more aware of what was going to come and should have kept an eye on Le & Esteban. Le's family should have made it more of a big deal to the police knowing how Esteban is. This isn't right!

Friday, September 2, 2011

My Crazy Life

    E Komo Mai to my page! Howzit ? I'm fine, thank you :) Well, my name is Tehani, but a lot of people call me "Hani". I was born on December 6th, in a small populated town in Hawai'i on the island of O'ahu called Kailua on the windward side of the island. I was raised 10 minutes away in Kane'ohe. In 2005, my family & I moved to Alameda, California and started going to Lum Elementary School. Two years later, I moved to Vallejo, California and attended Highland Elementary. I lived in Vallejo until the middle of my eighth grade year. We then moved back to Alameda, and I attended Will C. Wood Middle School. I have two brothers, Keola and Keli'i and one sister, Tasha.
                My father is originally from Germany, but was adopted at the age of two and moved to America since his adopted father was in the military. My mom on the other hand was born and raised in Kane'ohe, HI. She grew up with both her parents along with two sisters, and two brothers. In June of '96, when I was still in my moms womb, my dad was in a tragic car accident that caused him to be paralyzed from the waist down. It was a horrible thing we had to face. My brother and sister don't even remember seeing our father walk since they were so young. It's kind of hard to live with it, but together as a family, we learn to deal. My dad is a paraplegic who does swimming, bike riding and canoe paddling.
               My hobby is swimming and life guarding. I've been doing swimming for 6 years now. The very first swim team I was on was in Berkley, CA. I won about 7 ribbons on that team. The second swim team I was on was the Alameda Islanders, in Alameda, CA. I've never competed when I was on that swim team because i moved after a few months. The third swim team I was on was Vallejo Sharks. I've competed a few times when I was on that swim team. That was my favorite swim team out of all 3 swim teams I was on. I was on that team for 3 years. Also, I've did life guarding for two years while I was on the Vallejo Sharks. When I was on the swim team and doing life guarding at the same time i was swimming for 7 hours Monday through Thursday.
          The goals I want to reach is finishing high school then going to college to be an officer in the Coast Guard. Since I was little I always wanted to become an hero. My father was in the Navy , also was a paramedic, volunteer Fire fighter, and now he is a RN nurse at San Fransisco VA Medical Center, so I was I always around a hero. I've also wanted to become a nurse in the Army. The medical field and the Military is one of the things I want to become a part of since I love helping people.